[Concert]Jeon gun hwa's TOKYO concert

Rewards when making money

Target amount: 10,000,000
project period: 2018-11-20 ~ 2019-01-15
Rewards will be rewarded to fans who have attained the above amount.
A funded fan
Favorite fan
[Concert]Jeon gun hwa's TOKYO concert
6 Rewards item is available. Expected delivery date
  • Rewards merchandise: Forward schedule
  • Fan meeting / fan signing: Forward schedule
$ 0.93 Funding
1. Participation in the performance credit (on DVD) Funding
$ 28.04 Funding
1. Participation in the performance credit (on DVD)
2. Special Thanksgiving movie (Online)
3. Performance DVD
$ 65.42 Funding
1. Participation in the performance credit (on DVD)
2. Special Thanksgiving movie (Online)
3. Performance DVD
4. Tickets for the theater (first-come, first-served seats)
$ 93.46 Funding
1. Participation in the performance credit (on DVD)
2. Special Thanksgiving movie (Online)
3. Performance DVD
4. Tickets for the theater (first-come, first-served seats)
5. Photo card provided (sign added)
6. Sign Polaroid photo rights
$ 186.92 Funding
1. Participation in the performance credit (on DVD)
2. Special Thanksgiving movie (Online)
3. Performance DVD
4. Tickets for the theater (first-come, first-served seats)
5. Photo card provided (sign added)
6. Sign Polaroid photo rights
7. Hand postcard and personal collection (souvenir)
8. Present CD of singles at the time of release"
Sponsoring without a Reward
We sponsor Star for a variety of music activities. This donation will be sent to the Star without any reward composition. Funding